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Healthy home cooks Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley showcase ingenious and highly nutritious recipes that will put a spring in your step when you need to power through the day. This lifestyle cooking series will take viewers into the aspirational world of Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley, the passionate foodie sisters who are taking healthy eating to innovative new levels with fun and delicious recipes that are free from grains, gluten and refined sugar. Every episode we will see our presenters at home in London, preparing 3-4 meals from their extensive repertoire. The show is crammed with tips and tricks to show viewers how to make fresh, nutrient rich foods into irresistible dishes. Between the recipes the sisters will take us out into the world to show us where to source the best ingredients and how to both live and eat mindfully beyond the kitchen walls. Jasmine & Melissa are the authors of best-selling cookbook The Art Of Eating Well, which has seen them become two of the hottest health food gurus on the scene. They also run a successful blog, popular YouTube channel and bespoke food delivery service, and write regularly for Vogue.
三位身處不同處境及人生階段的香港女生,因著各自的原因及期望,決定離開香港,嘗試在台灣這個島嶼紮根。然而,想像與現實,往往有著無可預知的距離。香港女生Faye (27歲)本打算在台北旅遊散心,暫住在嫁到台灣的好姊妹嘉嘉家裡。Faye見嘉嘉的台籍丈夫書豪無微不至,跟港男截然不同,萌生了想在台徵婚的念頭﹔潛水教練Lydia (35+歲)跟丈夫Leo(35+歲)已投資移民台灣數年,夫妻倆跟台灣拍檔佳蓉 (30+歲)一起在綠島上經營潛水店。生意上的困難夾雜生活上的不如意,Lydia越來越覺得當初懷著希望來到台灣的自己,有如坐困愁城般壓抑難耐﹔Yvonne (39歲) 在台北的技術學院當了四年美術科合約老師,自得其樂地打理著她的「伊梵的世界」blog,享受人生,真正活在當下!不久後收到校長通知:技術學院美術系收生不足,學校要精簡人手,第一個想到的當然是Yvonne…